New Player Guide

#FullMoonEngageMe is an event created BY players, FOR players. Seasoned players gather to shower new players with Moon Pies (aka free eaves to help you build wealth), run lots of investment and gift missions, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, connect with you on Empire.Kred and around social media.

This monthly event puts NEW PLAYERS in the spotlight. Here’s how to make the most of it:

1) Join the FullMoonEngageMe Community here: That’s the group that organizes this event.

2) Go to that community and look for a pinned thread with a title that starts with “#FullMoonEngageMe”. Once it opens, post your ticker. (That’s your user name. Mine is (e)FMEM ) The event is open for 5 days, but it’s a good idea to post as early as you can.

3) Watch as players start visiting your profile, buying your stock, connecting with you on social media and sending you Moon Pies! You’ll see your eaves balance go up fast.

4) Pick up even more eaves (and free stock) by going to missions and looking for GIFT and INVEST missions. (TIP: Click on the ‘Filter’ icon and then use the category pulldown list to find these quickly.)

Do as many of these missions as you can. Just be sure to thank players for the gifts – whether it is eaves or their stock, a nice thank you will help you build relationships.

We do NOT sell free stock. It’s rude. And, when you consider the commission to sell it and buy something else, you end up with a lot less wealth. HOLD FREE STOCK. You’ll earn dividends every day.

5) By this point, you should have some eaves to work with. (Need more? Check out the special new player eaves that are available during your first 30 days. You’ll find that in the shop.) Now go back to the community and buy a few shares in other people who have signed up. SPREAD YOUR EAVES AROUND — during #FullMoonMoonEngageMe it is best to buy a little bit in a lot of people.

6) When you visit player profiles, be sure to CONNECT. That’s what #FullMoonEngageMe is all about. Over the event, you’ll visit a lot of profiles. KEEP YOUR GOALS IN MIND. When you see someone who shares your interests, take a minute to check out their social media links. Follow them. Introduce yourself and tell them what you have in common. You’re only new once. NETWORK.

7) When you run out of eaves, head back to missions. Players will post LOTS of gift missions throughout the event. You can also do regular missions — just be sure to pick only those that interest you. When players spend their hard-earned eaves to introduce you to their content, they really appreciate a comment, a RT, a like, or a share. While you’re not required to engage, they have the option to block you from doing future missions. Since building connections requires keeping a good reputation, play fair. TAKE ONLY MISSIONS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN.

9) HAVE FUN! You can spend a lot of time or a little. You can play every day or pick one convenient time. It’s totally up to you.


Since #FullMoonEngageMe 65, there’s been an extra element added to the event. It’s called the Moon Hunt!

The aim is to help all players discover different areas of Empire.Kred. This is done by searching for hidden achievements and content to get rewards.

There are hidden moons all over the Empire. You’ll get an achievement for each one you find. And if you login every day AND find all the hidden moons, you’ll get a special achievement for perseverance… And sometimes, there are even ‘Secret’ bonus achievements to unlock! So keep logging in and looking!

But more importantly, join the Full Moon Party, connect and engage with other players!

Click here to find out more about the Moon Hunt.


New Player Guide
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Moon Hunt Information
Moon Hunt Tips & Strategies
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